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Piano Rags                     

Ten rags by Galen:
Leprechaun Rag, Puppy on the Piano, Rx Rag, Daffodil, Creeks of Missouri, Old Boston Post Road, Spanish Moss, Wisteria Rag, Whippoorwill Hollow, Aphrodite ragtime waltz.

Authentic Ragtime

Ten rags by Galen:
Ragtime Bluebird, Magnolia Rag, Mephistopheles' Two Step, Redwood Rag,
Baltimore Rag, Sedalia Stomp, Boone County Rag, Horsefeathers,
Last of the Ragtime Pioneers, Streets of Sedalia.

Piano Syncopations

Ten piano solos by Galen:
Pacific Street on the Barbary Coast, Hollywood Rag, Sweet Dreams ragtime waltz, Queen of Diamonds, Niantic by the Sea, Water Witch, Cakewalking Through Kansas, Mexican Mirage, Oyster Shimmy, Sunnieside Stride.

Piano Rhythm

Ten piano solos by Galen:
Chocolate CakewalkCoconut RagGreen Clover (collaborative work),
Hollywood StrollRed Carpet StrollRagtime Blackbird, Pink Elephants,
Jacaranda ragtime waltz, Skullduggery, Stompin' the Blues.

Ragtime Instructor

14 short piano works by Galen for ragtime beginners:
Old South Cakewalk (3 versions), Struttin' Cakewalk, Birthday Cakewalk,
Jubilee Cakewalk, Promenade Cakewalk, Promenade (rag version),
Indigo Ragtime Waltz, Conundrum Ragtime Waltz, Oleander Ragtime Waltz,
Gemstone Ragtime Waltz, Stop & Go, The Pie Fight.

Lady Fingers$22

9 popular ragtime compositions by women composers, 1896-1917
Eli Green's Cake Walk, Hello Ma Baby, Chicken Chowder, Pickles & Peppers, I Wish I Had a Girl, Everybody Rag with Me, Dusty Rag, Notoriety, Rooster Rag.

Ragtime Instructor for Children’s Orchestra 


​Six original short works by Galen.  Includes conductor’s score and parts for 13 instruments plus historical notes and tempo markings.  Over 75 pages.  Includes Old South Cakewalk, Struttin’ Cakewalk, Indigo ragtime waltz, Conundrum ragtime waltz, Old South Cakewalk advanced version, and Jubilee Cakewalk.   


Walnut St. Rag


Walnut Street Rag is in the style of composer Euday Bowman who wrote one of the most famous rags of all, Twelfth Street Rag.  Bowman's other rags included 10th Street, 11th Street, and Petticoat Lane, all streets in Kansas City that were intersected by Walnut.  These were all located near Jenkin's Music Store, which was also a publisher of these rags, among many others.  Galen visited the site when Jenkins was still in business.  He thought a Bowman-type rag would be a nice commemoration.     

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Krumpus' Cakewalk



Krampus' Cakewalk is a Christmas offering dealing with the ancient Alpine legend of Krampus.  He traveled with Saint Nicholas, and children who were naughty - not nice - were carried off to be eaten.  Subtitled "Twas the fright before Christmas", it is "something different" for the holiday!  




Ragged Rhythm CD
$16 including shipping (for continental U.S. only.  For other areas, contact Galen first.  Click here to send email.)

17 works by Galen, played by leading ragtime musicians.
Rx Rag - Tom Brier, Redwood Rag - Reginald Robinson, Last of the Ragtime Pioneers - Sue Keller, Cakewalking Through Kansas - Dennis Pash, Magnolia Rag - Masanobu Ikemiya, Hollywood Rag - Elliott Adams, Puppy On The Piano - Tony Caramia, Spanish Moss - Frank French, Horsefeathers - Bob Price, Streets Of Sedalia - Glenn Jenks, Baltimore Rag - Terry Waldo,  Old Boston Post Road - Clarke Buehling, Creeks Of Missouri - Trebor TichenorDaffodil - Frank Marocco, Whippoorwill Hollow - John Arpin, Mephistopheles' Two Step - Mimi BlaisThe Oyster Shimmy - Jeff Barnhart.




CD of wax cylinder recordings made by the Palm Leaf Ragtime Orchestra in 1989.   Includes:  The Grizzly Bear, Lassus Trombone, The Thriller, A Warm Reception,      Peaches & Cream, Peaceful Henry, and Maple Leaf Rag.  Announcements by Jim Wilke.  Engineered by Bruce Trummel.  Recorded on original, vintage, brown wax stock.  Transfers by Mike Khanchalian.  



Rx Rag - custom QRS piano roll of this excellent folk rag by Galen.  Played by Rudy Martin, seen in this photo (successor to ​
J. Lawrence Cook).